Langhe Nascetta

Langhe Nascetta is an indigenous variety from the Novello area that currently allows a total production of 220,000 bottles among all the wineries managing this white grape.  It is harvested from a young vineyard planted in 2016, with approximately one week of skin maceration, followed by two months of batonnage in steel, 9 months of rest in acacia barrels, and then bottling. Compared to Chardonnay, there is much more complexity with notes of honey, lily of the valley, and ripe peach. The sip expresses surprising tannicity for a white wine, capable of excellent extraction and thickness.


Langhe DOC
Piedmont go to region
Monforte d'Alba
Nascetta 100%
Wine Type
Red wine

Tasting Notes

Serving temperature 6 - 8 °C

Pairings Medium aged cheeses, shellfish

Color Golden yellow

Nose Hints of pineapple and exotic fruits

Palate Evident tannins deriving from maceration and a marked acidity


Vineyard extension
0.35 ha
Year of planting
Soil type
Sandy, clayey
North West
300 masl
Grape yield per hectare tons
Average production/year
3.500 btls
Method of Harvest
By Hand
Number of Sortings / Passes Through Vineyard
Length of maceration
7 days
Vessel of fermentation
Stainless steel
Temperature of fermentation
13 - 15 °C
Length of fermentation
20 days
Vessel of aging
Stainless steel and Acacia barrique
Length of aging
4-6 months
Residual Sugar
2 g/l
Low SO2
Packaging 750 ml
Btls per Cs
12 Btls
Pallet dimension
100x120 cm, h 170 cm
Pallet configuration
6 cs x 9 layers = 54 cs/pallet
Barcode Btl

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