
MONTE COMPATRI (Frascati – Province of Rome): The budding phase of the vines started early around the 10-15 April. On the 24th of April the temperature dropped, but there were no damages as the temperature did not drop below 0 degrees Celsius. This slowed down the vegetative cycle. In mid June there were rains and some hail that luckily did not cause much damage. In July the temperature was high. In July and in August it was dry, but the vines had a good water supply.

Lorenzo Costantini owner of the homonymous estate (Frascati Superiore DOC, Lazio IGT):”…we picked from the 1st till the 15th of October. The harvest was very satisfying. The grape yield was good. The wines have a good alcohol strength, a good aroma, they are fruity, fresh, well balanced, elegant and persistent…..”