
IRPINIA AREA (Province of Avellino)
In this area there was enough rain in springtime to ensure water supply for the vines during the summer, also in August and September it rained at the right moment. It was sunny in October during harvest. The producers reported a good harvest.

TUFO (Province of Avellino)
Gabriella Ferrara owner of Azienda Agricola Benito Ferrara (Greco di Tufo DOCG, Fiano di Avellino DOCG, Irpinia Aglianico DOC):”…the grapes were flawless, the wines had a good aroma, they are mineral and pleasant. Grape yield was average…We picked starting on the 8th of October and we finished on the 20th of October…”

LAPIO (Province of Avellino)
Clelia Romano owner of Azienda Vitivinicola Colli di Lapio (Fiano di Avellino DOCG, Irpinia Campi Taurasini DOC, Taurasi DOCG):” was a lovely and sunny harvest….2008 is an exceptional vintage…..We started harvesting on the 10t h of October and we finished on the 28t h of October…”

S. PIETRO IRPINO (Province of Avellino)
Angelo Valentino co-owner of Azienda Agricola Macchialupa (Fiano di Avellino DOCG, Greco di Tufo DOCG, Taurasi DOCG): “…harvest went well, the wines have a good concentration…Greco grapes had an optimal ripening…It is an extremely good vintage for red wines: they are concentrated, supple and have a good colour…We started picking Greco on the 4th of October and we finished with Aglianico on the 23-24 October…”

It was dry during springtime and summer, in June it rained so that the vines did not suffer. There was lovely weather during harvest. Angelo Valentino oenologist of Azienda Vinicola De Angelis – the headquarters of the estate are in the town of Sorrento – (Lacrima Christi DOC, Rosso, Bianco and Rosato): “…The forecast for 2008 wines is good…We started on the 18t h of Septemebr and we finished on the 20t h of October….”

FOGLIANISE – TABURNO AREA (Province of Benevento)
In springtime it did not rain too much, but the quantity of water was enough. Summer was dry. The weather was good till mid October, then there were a couple of days of rain that did not create problems for the grapes. Filippo Colandrea agronomist-oenologist of Cantina del Taburno (Aglianico del Taburno DOC, Taburno DOC):”It was a good harvest…There was a good sugar/acidity balance in the must….We harvested 10 days later than last year (which was early)….Good forecast for the wines….we started on the 22n d of September and we finished at the end of October…..”